{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.modules.services.xonotic; setMutators = mutators: mapAttrs' (m: v: nameValuePair ("g_" + m) (if v then 1 else 0)) mutators; in { options.modules.services.xonotic = { enable = mkEnableOption "xonotic"; package = mkPackageOption pkgs "xonotic-dedicated" { }; port = mkOption { default = 26000; type = types.int; }; hostname = mkOption { default = "Xonotic Server"; type = types.str; }; public = mkOption { default = true; type = types.bool; }; motd = mkOption { default = ""; type = types.str; }; maxplayers = mkOption { default = 8; type = types.int; }; minplayers = mkOption { default = 4; type = types.int; }; skill = mkOption { default = 5; type = types.int; description = "Sets the skill level of any bots. Higher values mean harder bots."; }; g_mutators = mkOption { default = { }; type = types.attrsOf types.bool; description = "Enable server mutators. Refer to upstream configuration."; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { services.xonotic = { enable = true; package = cfg.package; openFirewall = true; settings = { net_address = ""; port = cfg.port; hostname = cfg.hostname; sv_public = if cfg.public then 1 else 0; sv_motd = cfg.motd; maxplayers = cfg.maxplayers; minplayers = cfg.minplayers; minplayers_per_team = cfg.minplayers / 2; skill = cfg.skill; } // (setMutators cfg.g_mutators); }; }; }